The Future of Hiring
When you need to hire someone I bet you expect to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. From the side of your potential employee, the picture is the same — no one wants to spend months pounding the pavement for work. Despite the abundance of recruiting agencies out there, we still have a huge amount of good professionals struggling to find a job they looking for, and thousands of companies hiring managers spending months looking for them. It seems like people just can’t find each other. What’s wrong here and is there any solution?
The first problem here is the uncertainty that both sides meet. It is quite difficult to predict in advance whether an employee will cope with his duties, even if he has provided excellent references and his resume is packed with achievements. Because of that a company’s HR managers usually try to draw as many people as they can through the hiring filter, spending weeks of their own time, company’s time, candidate’s time. As a candidate, if you are in a group of 50 individuals with about the same level of experience where someone is younger, someone is more experienced, someone has this trendy skill you don’t have, the chances to land a job are very poor, so it becomes a lottery for you. From companies side, it doesn’t look much better because when they get tired of looking for the right employee at some point they stop at a formally acceptable candidate, and therefore a company is gradually filled not with people who could develop it, but simply those who allow it to survive.
The second problem would be called the outdated process of employment. We adapted it decades ago into our societies and that process has never changed, with the evolution of technology it only became digital but it’s still very outdated in a way that HR in most companies is becoming a big hassle and by year’s passage HR departments are getting bigger with more complexities and recruitment is becoming harder but still with an undefined result as it used to be.
The third problem is the high cost and time expenditures applied to the process of finding a job or employee.
So how about the solution?
What we offer In Djobzy is instead of wasting long hours posting a job and reviewing and interviewing lots of people and filtering and organizing tests as a hiring manager you can simply post the job, qualified people with live reviews from their previous job experiences would apply for the job, you’ll get the chance to see potential employees based on what they have already accomplished and their reviews and verification levels and can read in more details about those potential employees before committing to an interview, you can see the employees profile in details including the certifications, assets, earned income, reviews, qualifications, and other details.
When you found an interesting candidate you can just simply offer the job for a couple of hours without any long-term commitment.
It can be hours or a day of paying testing mode but you’ll get the result and an employee will get paid. OnDjobzy you transfer the agreed amount to the escrow account, no other contract and lengthy legal documents are needed and you can see employees in action and decide if you want a long-term contract or not based on their performance. On the other side, an employee doesn’t need to go for several long interviews and incur all the costs and losing time and resources hoping to get a job.
Djobzy creates a fair environment for both parties to be able to check each other’s capabilities and desires before entering into any long-term commitments of employment.
Furthermore, Djobzy makes the process of employment not only way faster but also much cheaper for companies and employers. Djobzy is trying to cut the cost of employment. It takes lots of responsibilities away from the employer’s shoulders by giving the option of self-employment based on the agreed price on the employee’s side so an employee can charge the employer directly for the price that they both feel comfortable with.
Read More: Have you ever noticed how often do you employ people for small jobs?
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Good article.