Pet sitter and Dog Walker

Will provides care for animals at veterinary clinics, zoos, pet stores. There are no minimum education requirements for this category. It could be based on your experiences like a dog walker or a college degree like Veterinary Technicians, and a university degree for Veterinarian.

Pet sitter and Dog Walker jobs near me

Suggested categories:

Pet sitter and Dog Walker, Veterinarian, Other in Animal Care, Customer Service Management, Technical Support Representative

  • Veterinary Assistant or Receptionist manager

    Total Price:: 3350.00

    Hourly Rate:: 21.00-25.00

    Expected Hours: 159

    bid-icon Bids: 0

    773 Denman St, Vancouver, BC V6G 2L6, Canada

    Looking for a motivated and team-oriented person to help at a small animal veterinary clinic in downtown Vancouver. We are ...

    West End Veterinary Clinic
    West End Veterinary Clinic
    rating-icon 0 / 5
  • Veterinary office Assistant

    Total Price:: 3200.00

    Hourly Rate:: 20.00-21.00

    Expected Hours: 159

    bid-icon Bids: 0

    4362 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC V6R 2H7, Canada

    We are seeking a friendly and motivated Veterinary Office Assistant to join our team. In this role, you will be ...

    Point Grey Veterinary Hospital
    Point Grey Veterinary Hospital
    rating-icon 0 / 5