Profile Title
Cherie White
In British Columbia, CanadaAbout Me
I am a Social Impact Developer, passionate about eradicating poverty through revitalizing impoverished neighborhoods, by creating affordable multifamily developments and increasing local social enterprise. We are currently focusing on building affordable housing developments in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, a neighborhood known for poverty, open drug use, and prostitution. We believe that by addressing poverty head-on, and with the support of local partnerships, the support of the City of Vancouver, and philanthropy, we can successfully revitalize this neighbourhood to strengthen families, women and children and become a place that people will want to live. We will do all of this through a grassroots inclusion model and not through gentrification. I also want to build more sustainable and affordable homes in Vancouver and the surrounding area using CLT (cross-laminated timber) and create more passive homes. This system allows us to build faster and meet the extraordinary demand to eliminate homelessness. It is cheaper long term, more environmental by reducing emissions and sustainable than a concrete build. With several years of experience in the Vancouver and lower mainland Real Estate Market, we are excited to increase the affordable housing stock. We believe that everyone should have access to a home, a job, and a family. Our goal is to help minimize homelessness through affordable housing with rent to own strategy and radically redirecting generational wealth to families who are trying to make a better life for their children. By reducing the down payment more people/ families can access long-term homes. We also believe in a "wrap around" strategy in every building we build in impoverished neighbourhoods in order to see systemic economic and cultural change. We are a philanthropic company.
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