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Penny White
In British Columbia, CanadaAbout Me
Penny White is a serial entrepreneur with over two decades of experience building successful companies. She is the Executive Chairman and Founder of NeonMind Bioscience Inc. (CSE:NEON) and CEO of Better Plant Sciences Inc. (CSE:PLNT). Penny has been recognized on PROFIT Magazine’s W100 list of top Canadian female entrepreneurs and was also one of five national finalists for the 2012 Royal Bank of Canada Award for Excellence in Entrepreneurship. Under her leadership as CEO, her company Bacchus Law Corporation was included in the PROFIT 500 Fastest Growing companies in 2015 and 2016. Penny has deep experience in public markets as a securities lawyer for over a decade and has been involved in over 100 going public transactions. Penny was a co-founder and an initial director and officer of Merus Labs Inc. (TSX:MSL, NASDAQ:MSLI-Q) which had revenues of $111 million in Fiscal 2016 and was acquired by Norgine B.V. in July 2017 for approximately $342 million.
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