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🌏 Tom Newton
In British Columbia, CanadaAbout Me
Client Acquisition ReTargeting We utilize the power of unstructured data from 1000s of different sources of online and offline data. Our patent-pending inference algorithm reverses the standard keywords based search ads process by identifying keywords intent through past searches, clicks, likes, followers and even past purchases. We then match back machine ID's, personally identifiable information, desktop, phone, tablet, routers, IoT and digital machine identifiers by performing a full match back across all AdExchanges in the ReverseAds Network. We utilize the standard process of ReTargeting to acquire new traffic by onboarding keyword attached to their personally identifiable information which has never engaged with a client. Then we retarget the device ID's with display ads until the user clicks and moves to our client's web property. Our tools are responsible for selling more products and service for half the cost. Run a test for 90 days and see for yourself. Reach out today and book a time to talk.
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