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Ward Stirrat
In British Columbia, CanadaAbout Me
CEO and Founder, of Community Credyts & TransKarbon Ward is a passionate Decentralist and strives to create small scale eco-friendly systems that are both replicable at a global scale but enable local resilience, much in the spirit of E.F. Schumacher’s classic 1973 book “Small is Beautiful, Economics as if people mattered”. Both Credyts Community Currencies and TransKarbon are deeply rooted in the philosophy of a localized “Human Scale” model a requirement for “Right Sized” economic, social and environmental systems are also the ones which allow for a human existence compatible with the Earth’s ability to sustain us and life on this our common home. Ward is a lifelong Entrepreneur from Vancouver, Canada and founder of Community Credyts, a complimentary currency platform enabling Local Communities issue and manage their own “Community Credit” system, in the vein of Berkshares and Wara Script, Community Credyts are self-issued by and for the Community as a way to create and retain value locally – without relying on debt, loans or donations to “fund” Community Credyts. Thus, Community Credyts are reflective of what is important to the local community – not just the bank. TransKarbon’s purpose is to transition out of the Carbon Economy, starting with our Solid-State-Gas (SSG) systems allow us to deliver from Gas Source (Abandon Wells, BioGas Plants, Flare Gas Sites) to Customer- directly delivered from Pipeline Free, Fracking Free or Rescued Flare Gas - sourced locally, or across the world. We are allowing people to purchase wisely sourced gas to help us all make the world a little better. TransKarbon’s innovative approach uses Karbonyte™, a Naturally Engineered System for Ultra-Low Pressure Gas Transport, with an extraordinarily high surface area form of Activated Charcoal (1,700 square meters of surface area per gram) made of waste products sourced from; trees, coconut shells, or hemp stems. This allows TransKarbon to deliver a new class of low-cost, low-pressure and stable solid-state transport systems that use up to 400% LESS energy and operates at up to 1,000% LESS PRESSURE than most current (obsolete) methodologies (CNG & LNG) at significantly less cost. Ward has traveled the world extensively meeting fellow polymaths, he has attended the Global Climate Summit in San Francisco and the UN General Assembly in search of these connections to solutions.
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