Profile Title

BC Pavilion Corporation (PavCo)

In BC V6C 3L5, Canada

About Me

BC Pavilion Corporation (PavCo), owner and operator of BC Place Stadium and the Vancouver Convention Centre, PavCo is a Crown corporation of the Province of British Columbia, with a mandate to generate significant economic and community benefit for the people of British Columbia.


Over the next five years, PavCo is forecast to generate more than $2 billion worth of economic impact within British Columbia. PavCo is recognized as a global leader in venue development, marketing, and management. BC Place is the province’s flagship stadium, and is proudly referred to as “Canada’s Home Stadium” for international sporting events.


The iconic Vancouver Convention Centre is the world’s first double LEED® Platinum certified convention facility and has twice been named “World’s Best Convention Centre”. Across all business units, PavCo’s team of approximately 800 staff work with a diverse range of local and international partners, suppliers and clientele to host a year-round schedule of events.


Together, we consistently deliver an outstanding level of commitment, skill and professionalism as we host exceptional experiences with a global audience.

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