Profile Title
Lucy Wang Huang
In British Columbia, CanadaAbout Me
I am from Montevideo, Uruguay and moved to Canada to study in 2017. I am currently a 4th year student at The University of British Columbia pursuing a dual degree in Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Masters of Management. My passionate commitment to foster an inclusive society while genuinely helping others has encouraged me to actively volunteer within my community since a young age. I've led large multicultural and multigenerational teams while managing large-scale events through meticulous planning, multi-tasking, and teamwork. I am an action-oriented worker who always goes the extra mile to get the job done. I have assisted countless stakeholders and supported the launch of new projects and their missions, such as at UBC International Student Initiative and Scotiabank, by being detailed oriented, actively communicating, and problem solving. Competencies: event management, customer service, community service, community engagement, communication and languages. I am always open to expand my network and explore new opportunities! Please feel free to reach out!
Service Calendar
This calendar shows your working hours available for booking by employers. When you create a promoted service,
it is automatically open for booking at any available time. If your service price is non-negotiable, then someone can book that service without your confirmation. If the price is negotiable, you will have to approve each time the booking request.
This calendar can be enabled or disabled at any time, but all the services that has been booked should be provided.
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