Profile Title
Padgett Business Services
In Vernon, BC V1T 5M6About Me
Padgett Business Services in Victoria addresses all the bookkeeping services, accounting, tax and payroll needs of a small business. Because we're locally owned and operated, we understand the challenges and needs small business owners have in Victoria's growing economy. We have developed a complete service so our clients can focus on what they like to do best - grow their business. We track the money in and out of our client’s business, do all monthly tax reporting and supply useful reports and information back to our clients every month. We stay informed on changes in tax compliance and let our clients know if any change will affect them.
Service Calendar
This calendar shows your working hours available for booking by employers. When you create a promoted service,
it is automatically open for booking at any available time. If your service price is non-negotiable, then someone can book that service without your confirmation. If the price is negotiable, you will have to approve each time the booking request.
This calendar can be enabled or disabled at any time, but all the services that has been booked should be provided.

Involved Categories
Current Work
Work History And Reviews