Profile Title
Subhankar Pal
In West Bengal, IndiaAbout Me
Node.js | Flutter | PHP | Android Developer | Competitive Programmer | Freelancer | Junior Year CS Student ⚙️ Skilled in : 🌠 Platform: Linux (Debian Distros), Windows. 🌠 Tech Stack: C, C++, Javascript, Python, Java, PHP, Go 🌠 Web Development : .......✔️ Serverside/Backend: Node.js, PHP, API Integration. .......✔️ Microservices: Restful Web-services, Asynchronous & Synchronous API. .......✔️ Client-side/Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, Ajax. 🌠 App Development : .......✔️ Serverside/Backend: Java for Android, Kotlin, Dart .......✔️ API/DB Tools: Retrofit, Glide, Picasso, OkHttpClient, JsonParser, Camera API, Location Services, Maps SDK MySQL JDBC Driver. .......✔️ Architecture: MVC, MVVM .......✔️ Client-side/Frontend: XML, Flutter 🌠 Database: MySQL/MariaDB, MS-SQL, Firestore, MongoDB 🌠 Cloud: AWS: EC2, S3 Bucket, RDS, SES, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, Route53, Cognito, Cloudwatch 🌠 Testing Tools: API Testing (Postman), JUnit, Valgrind. 🌠 DevOps and Other Tools: Git Version-control, cPanel, Plesk, Google Play Console, Firebase Console, Windows Dev Center. Codechef: Hackerrank:
Service Calendar
This calendar shows your working hours available for booking by employers. When you create a promoted service,
it is automatically open for booking at any available time. If your service price is non-negotiable, then someone can book that service without your confirmation. If the price is negotiable, you will have to approve each time the booking request.
This calendar can be enabled or disabled at any time, but all the services that has been booked should be provided.

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